Friday, September 18, 2015

Teach your kids to teach

What can be the right time to become a teacher?
Surprisingly, childhood. Do you believe? Let's see how? 

Parents must encourage kids to teach to teach whatever they know. May it be numbers 1 to 10, or Johny Johny or Myself....But whom to teach? Small kids in the neighborhood, sibling, cousins or even parents and grandparents can be their students.Now, let's see what are the skills that can be developed by teaching:

1. When we have to teach; we prepare it well. So kids' will think in detail about the topic which will lead to perfection. 

2. One is 100% attentive while teaching. When someone is teaching, kids tend to get distracted and just look attentive physically. But while teaching, they are physically as well as mentally attentive.

3. While teaching, all your sensory organs and mind is completely into the same thing which leads to better co ordination of heart, mind and body. Also improves focus and  dedication.  

4.  A teacher has to think of all the angles of the the given topic and can't have one sided view. This helps the child to practice not being one sided. 

5.  A good teacher is creative and has a good imagination also. So teaching is the easy way to be creative and imaginary.

6. Development of presentation skills and increasing confidence is easily seen by parents and teachers.

7. And the most important benefit, that all the mothers and teacher would love, that kids become aware of the efforts taken by their parents and teachers to educate them. and the children will respect you all better than before.
So...parents! Do you think this is the reason behind celebrating Teacher's day in a way where students become teachers and go to different classes to teach!!! 

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