Sunday, July 7, 2013


I heard a story of two villages where there was a landslide and a rock fell in between the road, to bloc it for the villagers to move around. So all the strong young villagers from either side village decided to push the rock out of the way. They tried for a day long and nothing was moved. Tired, they went back and decided to try again the next day. One of them was a thinker who decided to observe the situation from the top of the hillock above the road. While, the guys re assembled and started pushing, he was observing, what's going wrong. To his surprise, people from both the villages were pushing the rock from either side. He came down and held a discussion with the strong villagers from both the villages and explained the issue. They all got on one side and pushed the rock down the valley to get their commuting road clean to move around. 

It's all about effectiveness more than anything. No matter how hard we work, if there is no effectiveness, it hardly works. 

Question is what is effectiveness?
Think about the subtle difference between the word "hearing" and "listening" and you will conclude that effective hearing is listening. It's all about being affective in what we here, see or do. If this is missing we always end up asking, what is that I could get by working this hard? 

Two things need to be understand as the moral of the story:
1. Sit back and think what's going wrong instead of impatiently pushing the rock harder in life.
2. Push from right direction otherwise it hardly works.

Four random things personally feel would work to makes lives effective:
A. Readiness to work an extra mile. Be proactive. 
B. Pen down your todos, notes. See to it that some todos in the list for long term benefit. 
C. Keep on learning. Understand different perspectives by reading.
D. Be with yourself once in a while. Meditate!! Learn to face yourself and you will be ready to face the world.

Life is the small span of time to be fulfilled and fulfilled. Fill it with awareness backed enthusiasm.

Your time starts now......

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